Thursday, January 26, 2006

Personal Cleanliness

Personal Cleanliness

This AOC will not be co-assigned with Comfort Management as many of the steps are duplicate of each other.This is actually quite simple as long as a few basic rules follow with some common sense.

Provide privacy...noone likes spectators while bathing! pull the curtain/shut the door.
Prevent chilling...the simplest way to do this is to bring a few bath blankets in and cover what is not being washed
Wash, Rinse ,and dry what the patient cannot.
Application of skin prep as assigned. I suspect this will be most likely be for infant bottoms or for someone who is incontinent.

Oral care may be assigned.If you are bringing used emesis basin and toothbrush to them, wear gloves!The CE will indicate what to use for a child under 4 on your Kardex. If the Pt is unable to do this for themselves will be the students area to complete which will give her an excellent chance to inspect mucous membranes.

Bed change may be assigned.The bottom sheet must be tight without wrinkles and the top sheet smooth with the toe area tented so as not to restrict movement. DO NOT shake the sheets out as you open them. That is an infection control issue.We do not want to fling pathogens all over!

If Skin assessment is also assigned this is the perfect time to look them over
A few key notes: Always wash a baby's face BEFORE anything else. This means before you put them in a tub take a washcloth and get their eyes and face.We sure do not want to wash the face with water that has touched their bum!
It used to be standard to change the bath water at least once during the bath. Now they say to change it if it is soapy,dirty or cold.It WILL be one of these things at least once during the bath!!Just do it.
It is likely that your pt is weak and tires easily so gather all your supplies before starting the bath . Keep safety in mind at all times.
this Mneumonic is BOBS
Oral Care
Bed linens
Skin Prep
easy as pie!

After a bit I rethought the whole mneumonic and changed it to : BOLT
Bathe (keep warm and private wash ,rinse and dry what they cannot)
Oral care ( wear gloves when picking up that toothbrush and basin!0
Topical preps ( as assigned , or plain lotion if needed )


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