Monday, February 27, 2006

IV Push Sim Lab

For some reason I have procrastinated working on the Sim Labs until late in my studies.I believe I had a fear of them but after REALLY looking at them I see it is just like a recipe. There will be no variables here as it is a controlled environment. Do this then this then that and if you do it just like the recipe calls for the meal will turn out right.
I am going to write on the IV Push Sim Lab first .This is the ONLY place you will be doing the IVP during the CPNE.
The recipe for a successful IVP lab is as follows:

Check the MAR and obtain your med using that MAR.
Calculate the proper amount to give and write on the Student Lab Response Form. The formula for this Lab is: Dose desired
amount= ---------------
Dose on hand

To put it simply: If you want to give 80 milligrams of Lasix and have Lasix 20 mg/ml on hand you will need to calculate how many Ml to give and it will look like this:

4 ML= ---------------
20 MG

So Our dose is 4 ML.

To calculate the speed to administer this dosage divide time in minutes and dose amount in ML by 4 to find the quarter mark.

Next Identify the patient in two ways and compare with the MAR. The options are: Name, DOB, or Medical Record Number. This step must be done before any medication administration.

The flushes need to be drawn up using the MAR. I read where a student failed because she drew up bacteriostatic water instead of the ordered Normal Saline for her flushes.
Wipe the top of the flush container each time with an alcohol swab each time it is accessed!!!
Place flushes next to the mannequins arm so you know which is are flushes and which is the med.
Draw up your med and place it along with your pen on that MAR.
Glove up and check the IV site.Verbalize to the CE" There is no edema or temperature change"

Open the slide lock on the ,CLEAN PORT,ASPIRATE for blood return ( this will be the ONLY time you aspirate )Inject flush solution,close slide lock, dispose of syringe in SHARPS.

CLEAN PORT, open slide lock,INJECT med, time this along with the CE, you may take longer than the calculated but not less as that will equal failure.Close the slide lock and dispose syringe in SHARPS.

CLEAN PORT, open slide lock, attach flush and INJECT flush solution,close slide lock, dispose of syringe in SHARPS.

Remove gloves, pick up that pen on the MAR where you placed it and sign the dose given, and at the bottom sign your name with ECSN following.


I am confident, how about you ??


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