Tuesday, December 27, 2005

goals of this blog

I have made my way through all the educational requirements of my RN through Excelsior College except for the CPNE. My goal here is to put in words all that makes this Clinical such a stress in my life and to reduce it into digestable simplified portions that I will be able to recall BECAUSE I am taking the time to do this.What is the CPNE? Good question! It stands for Clinical Performance Nursing Exam and it will be the first time I will see any representatives of EC (Excelsior College) This costly exam is a source of anguish for many and the reasons who pass and who do not are a bit subjective. I am wandering off here...... CPNE is the platform by which I will be able to demonstrate my critical thinking skills,nursing ability and competency. I have already shown that my head is screwed on right by passing all of the written exams. I will be observed 1:1 over 2 and 1/2 days and be resonsible for live Pt! I have read other sites and am not competing for them, I am doing this for ME. If someone else stumbles upon this and is helped so be it.